Set up Virtual Environment (Optional)

We recommend setting up Overeasy with a virtual environment. If you don’t already have conda installed you can install it here.

conda create -n overeasy python=3.10
conda activate overeasy

Install Overeasy

You should be using a Python version >=3.10.

Install Overeasy using the following command:

pip3 install overeasy

Setup API Keys

If you want to use private models like GPT-4o, Claude or Gemini, you will need to setup the relevant API keys.

OPENAI_API_KEY: Navigate to OpenAI’s API keys page to obtain your API key. You can visit their Docs to find more detailed information.

ANTHROPIC_API_KEY: Navigate to the Anthropic Console to get your API key on the API keys page. You can visit their Docs to find more detailed information.

GEMINI_API_KEY: Navigate to Gemini’s API keys page to obtain your API key. You can visit their Docs to find more detailed information.

Setting Up API Keys in Environment Variables

At the end of your ~/.zshrc, ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile add the following:

export OPENAI_API_KEY="your api key"
export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY="your api key"
export GEMINI_API_KEY="your api key"

Make sure to open a new terminal or source your profile so these changes take effect.


🎉 Congrats

You can get started with Overeasy by checking out our examples.